
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name City
Ainslie Andy Rapid City
Amundson Danny Sioux Falls
Barrett Tyler Sioux Falls
Bartlett Katie Pierre
Bassing Brenden Sioux Falls
Batta Sam Watertown
Berkenhoff Brian Brookings
Burns Jon Brandon
Cooney JJ Pickstown
Daane Ben Rapid City
Dohrer Jonah Aberdeen
Dornbusch Blake Sioux Falls
Duncan Liz Sioux Falls
Duncanson Riley Brandon
Eggebraaten Hank Sioux Falls
Ellerbroek Geoff Sioux Falls
Emerson Jon Sioux Falls
Enderson Phil Sioux Falls
From Jeff Hartford
Geraets Bennett Sioux Falls
Grevlos Will Sioux Falls
Grothe John Brandon
Gusso Matt Brandon
Halseth Adam Sioux Falls
Hamer Alex Brandon
Hammer Bryce Sioux Falls
Harrington Joel Sioux Falls
Hatch Gavin Sioux Falls
Hatch Hannah Sioux Falls
Hayes Tony Sioux Falls
Heiberger DJ Sioux Falls
Heig Nicholas Rapid City
Honner Luke Sioux Falls
Honner Max Sioux Falls
Howard Troy Rapid City
Hoxter Michael Sioux Falls
Hullinger Brodie Brookings
Jacobson Brad Bryant
Jacobson Charlie Sioux Falls
Jansa Reese Sioux Falls
Janssen Carter Rapid City
Jensen Lane Rapid City
Johnson Aaron Sioux Falls
Klongerbo Troy Sioux Falls
Kolb Justin Sioux Fallls
Kolecka Mark Pierre
Kopplin Clay Sioux Falls
Krienitz Korey Sioux Falls
Kulbel Ryan Brandon
Langford Samantha Sioux Falls
Lesselyoung Alex Rapid City
Libis Carter Springfield
Long Chris Garretson
Lundy Bennett Aberdeen
Maxwell Mya Madison
McDonald Chase Wentworth
Meyerink Jeff Mitchell
Michels Julean Sioux Falls
Moran Kyleigh Sioux Falls
Munson Eric Tea
Munson Joe Tea
Murphy Brock Tea
Murphy Colin Sioux Falls
Murphy Maggie Sioux Falls
Neff Ryan Sioux Falls
Newborg Kolby Tea
Nolan Ryan Rapid City
Nolan TJ Rapid City
Otta Jacob Sioux Falls
Petersen Nate Sioux Falls
Pfeiffer Max Aberdeen
Pick Russell Mitchell
Potter Lani Aberdeen
Preston Connor Aberdeen
Rang Gunar Sioux Falls
Reiter Brian Brandon
Richards Darin Harrisburg
Salter Adam Rapid City
Sanford William Sioux Falls
Schaefbauer Lucas Aberdeen
Schock Paul Sioux Falls
Sigmund Brandon Mitchell
Steen Jake Brookings
Stenberg Nash Sioux Falls
Sudenga Taylor Sioux Falls
Swartz Jonah Rapid City
Swartz Mike Rapid City
Swenson Austin Brandon
Talcott Jesse Sioux Falls
Tobin Trevor Brandon
Trasamar Ryan Sioux Falls
Vining John Sioux Falls
VonBergen Hunter Sioux Falls
Walsh Jim Sioux Falls
Weber Sydney Parkston
Westra Alex Sioux falls
Westra Tyler Sioux Falls
Wiegel Nolan Huron
Willadsen Cory Sioux Falls
Wirebaugh Sydney Aberdeen
Woodall Nathan Sioux Falls
Young Natalie Rapid City
Zephier Zach Flandreau
Zosel Jacob Morris
Zuidema Mikael Brandon